Sunday 20 March 2016

So many countries, so many customs

As you know, Easter is coming. Therefore, I thought it could be interesting to describe how this feast looks like in other countries.

Up firt - USA
In United States Easter lasts just one day. People don't  have any tradition of sharing eggs but they believe that an egg boilt on Good Friday and eaten on Easter Sunday will bring a good luck for their family. Their favourite custom is "looking for treasures" (chocolate eggs hidden at home and in the garden). People in USA eat mainly in restaurants. Americans also don't forget about decorating their houses. A symbol of Easter is undoubtedly a rabbit and very popular in United States is also Easter Parade which takes place in New York. There is also orginised an Egg Rolling competition.

United Kingdom
In UK people have 4 days off when Easter is coming. They usually go shopping or to leave out of town. On Easter Sunday children get a lot of chocolate eggs with different fillings :) On Good Friday Queen of England gives coins to the people. There is also many performances and an Egg Rolling competition just like in USA.

That's all for today but I haven't finished yet!
To be continued next week, I'll describe Easter in other countries.


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