Wednesday 31 May 2017

Different direction


Lately I've realised that I'm writing a lot about Europe. I thought - it's time to change it. Of course, not forever, but now it's time to "go" somewhere else :) And I have a new idea - I'll write about America! South and North America are both beautiful and noteworthy. Especially, I would like to see California, but it's not the only one state which I'm going to describe. :) There's a lot of places which I would like to post here, particularly in North America. When it comes to South America, I've already written about Brazil. I think I've described all places in Europe which I like the most,I know that there is many other amazing countries, but I'm not able to describe every charming place. That's because the world is full of beauty, there are always some places to discover and explore. When I'm writing about different countries, it's also a motivation for me to learn more about the world, to find more amazing cities, mountains or bays and many, many others. I'm very happy about that I've chosen writing about travelling because it's a never-ending topic.
I hope it's also interesting for you, just a little bit :)
So, next time we're starting America's tour!

See you!


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